Education Futures for Ontario - International Perspectives on School Leadership in a Time of Recovery
A Virtual Summit
Tuesday, July 6 – Thursday, July 8, 2021
0930-1200 EDT
Hosted by
In partnership with
- What are the design challenges and promises for the return to school this fall?
- How might “build back better” become more than a hollowed-out slogan?
- Will the emerging realities of datafication and digitization limit or enable the possible futures of schooling and professional identity?
- Can the disruptions of the past year be an opportunity for positive change for the teaching profession and its organizations?
Engage in these conversations in three half-day encounters with leading experts, practitioners and leaders from around the world:
Presenters: Nina Bascia (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education), David Rutowski (Indiana University at Bloomington), Pasi Sahlberg (University of New South Wales), Sam Sellar (Manchester Metropolitan University), Dennis Shirley (Boston College), Howard Stevenson (University of Nottingham).
Respondents: David Cameron (Toronto Public School Board), Roar Grøttvik (Union of Education Norway), Annie Kidder (People for Education), Anne Looney (Dublin City University), Rebecca Luce-Kapler (Queen’s University), Karen Pashby (Manchester Metropolitan University), Ian Pettigrew (Ontario Teachers’ Federation), Jean Stiles (Edmoton Public Schools), Joel Westheimer (University of Ottawa).
Tuesday, July 6
0930 – 1200 EST
Leading change in the digitization of assessment and school performance
Session Presenters: David Rutkowski, (University of Indiana at Bloomington) and Sam Sellar (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Respondents: Ian Pettigrew (Ontario Teachers’ Federation), Anne Looney (Dublin City University), Joel Westheimer (University of Ottawa)
What are the challenges and opportunities for the teaching profession (individually and collectively) to lead change in assessment.
Wednesday, July 7
0930 – 1200 EST
Imperatives for Preferred Futures
Session Presenters: Pasi Sahlberg (University of New South Wales) and Dennis Shirley (Boston College)
Respondents: Jean Stiles (Edmonton Public Schools), David Cameron (Toronto Public School Board), Annie Kidder (People for Education)
At the school and district level, how could “build back better” be more than a catchphrase for schools and school districts
Thursday, July 8
0930 – 1200 EST
A Profession Becoming - Organizing around Ideas
Session Presenters: Nina Bascia (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) and Howard Stevenson, (University of Nottingham)
Respondents: Roar Grøttvik (Union of Education Norway), Karen Pashby (Manchester Metropolitan University), Rebecca Luce-Kapler (Queen’s University).
How might the profession (individually and collectively) lead the changes in education we now need to see?
Plenary sessions followed by interactive dialogue
Each session will feature a 30-minute keynote presentation followed by a panel discussion with respondents. The invited respondents will identify questions and implications in the context of their work both abroad and for Ontario (10 minutes each). Following this segment concluding approximately at 10:45, a short 5-minute break will be called followed by a general Q&A using Zoom-Chat with all registered participants wishing to engage in a dialogue (30 minutes). The formal session will conclude at 11:45 with an opportunity for final comments from the session presenters. The institute is free to all who wish to participate. For further information please contact Dr. Stephen Murgatroyd: [email protected] The Institute is part of a graduate course open to registered students at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, School Leadership in Times of Recovery (LHA6010H), running July 5 and July 9 (instructors Dr. Nina Bascia, Dr. J-C Couture and Dr. Stephen Murgatroyd). The course description and registration details are here:![](
Sam Sellar
Prolific author, researcher and presenter, Sam is the newly appointed Dean of Education Futures, University of South Australia. Until recently he was Reader in Education at Manchester Metropolitan University, England. See some of his recent writing can be found here.
David Rutowski
David is Associate Professor Educational Policy & Inquiry at Indiana University Bloomington. His research is focused in the area of educational policy and educational measurement with specific emphasis on international large-scale assessment.
Pasi Salhberg
Pasi is Professor of Educational Policy at the University of New South Wales and author of Finnish Lessons 3.0 – What the World Can Learn from Educational Change in Finland. His most recent book, written with Tim Walker is In Teachers We Trust: The Finnish Way to World Class Schools. His full biography is here.
Dennis Shirley
Dennis Shirley is Duganne Faculty Fellow and Professor, Teaching, Curriculum and Society at Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development. He is the author of two recent books, both co-authored with Andy Hargreaves – Student Engagement: Beyond Relevance, Technology, and Fun and Wellbeing and Socio-Emotional Learning: Building Back Better. His full profile is here.
Howard Stevenson
Howard is Professor of Educational Policy and Leadership Studies at the University of Nottingham. He is highly engaged in Europe in the movement to increase the agency and role of teacher unions in shaping the future of education. His engagement and research with practitioners and union leaders can be found here link.
Nina Bascia
Nina is Professor Chair of Leadership Higher & Adult Education at OISE, the University of Toronto. She has written extensively on teacher unions and their role in shaping education policy and practice as well on educational change and development. Her research brings together a sociological understanding of change and leadership development and can be found here.